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Come Sposarsi su Skyrim

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view post Posted on 20/11/2011, 20:56

Un nuovo elemento aggiunto in Skyrim è la possibilità di Sposarsi.
Per farlo avrete bisogno dell'Amuleto di Mara, un particolare Amuleto, che se indossato sarà simbolo di interesse sentimentale.
L'amuleto di Mara si può trovare facilmente a Riften, nel bar Bee and Bard (datemi la trad italiana plz!) da Maramal, che dopo averci parlato ve lo venderà al modico prezzo di 200 ori.
Una volta avuto l'amuleto, indossatelo e chiedete a chi volete di sposarvi (IMPORTANTE: SOLO se finite tutte le missioni correlate alla persona prescelta sarà possibile sposarla. Se fanno parte di una Gilda, ciò vale per le missioni comuni della gilda).
Il matrimonio è possibile sia Eterosessuale che Omosessuale.
Dopo aver scelto la consorte, tornate da Maramal e vi dirà che il matrimonio si terrà il giorno dopo nel Tempio di Mara a Riften, dalle 8 di mattina alle 8 di sera.
NON mancate per alcun motivo, o fallirete la missione e dovrete convincere ulteriormente la consorte e il sacerdote per il matrimonio, saranno ovviamente arrabbiati a morte con voi.

Lista NPC sposabili


Aela the Huntress - Nord, found in the Companion’s Faction House in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Aeri - Nord, found inside her house at Anga's Mill in the Pale.
Anwen - Redguard, found in Markarth Temple.
Avrusa Sarethi - Dark Elf, found in the Sarethi farm in the Rift.
Borghak the Steel Heart - Orc, found in Mor Khazgur.
Requirement: Pay her dowry or convince her to leave her home.
Brelyna Maryon - Dark Elf, found in the College of Winterhold.
Camilla Valerius - Imperial, found in Riverwood.
Requirement: Completion of The Golden Claw.
Carlotta Valentia - Imperial, found in Whiterun.
Dravynea the Stoneweaver - Dark Elf, found at Kyne’s Grove in Eastmarch.
Ghorza gra-Bagol - Orc, found in Markarth.
Gilfre - Imperial, found in the Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch.
Grelka - Nord, found in Riften at her merchant stand.
Igrod the Younger - Nord, found in Morthal
Iona - Nord, found in Riften, in Honeyside.
Jenassa - Dark Elf, found in the Drunken Huntsman, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Hire her.
Jordis the Sword-Maiden - Nord, found in Proudspire Manor, in Solitude
Lydia - Nord, found in Dragonsreach, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of the main quest Dragon Rising and becoming Thane of Whiterun.
Mjoll the Lioness - Nord, found in her house, in Riften.
Requirement: Retrieve her sword, Grimsever, from the dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft.
Muiri - Breton, found in The Hag’s Cure, in Markarth.
Requirement: Completion of Mourning Never Comes
Njada Stone-Arm - Nord, found in the Companion’s Faction House, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Orla - Nord, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Ria - Imperial, found in the Companion’s Faction House, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Senna - Imperial, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Shahvee - Argonian, found outside Windhelm.
Sylgja - Nord, found at Shor’s Stone in The Rift.
Requirement: Deliver her satchel to her father in Darkwater Crossing, then return his satchel to her.
Taarie - High Elf, found in Solitude.
Temba Wide-Arm - Nord, found at Ivarstead in The Rift.
Uthgerd the Unbroken - Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Best her in a brawl battle.
Viola Giordano - Imperial, found in Windhelm, in Eastmarch.
Ysolda - Nord, found in Whiterun.
Requirement: Give her a Mammoth Tusk.

Ainethach - Breton, found in Karthwasten Hall, in Karthwasten.
Angrenor Once-Honored - Nord, found in Candelhearth Hall, in Windhelm.
Argis the Bulwark - Nord, found in Vlindrel Hall, in Markath.
Athis - Dark Elf, found in Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Balimund - Nord, found in The Scorched Hammer, in Riften.
Belrand - Nord, found in The Winking Skeever, in Solitude.
Requirement: Hire him.
Benor - Nord, found in Morthal.
Calder - Nord, found in Hjerim, in Windhelm
Cosnach - Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
Derkeethus - Argonian, found in Darkwater Pass.
Erik the Slayer - Nord, found in Frostfruit Inn, in Rorikstead.
Farkas - Nord, found in the Companion's Faction House (Vilkas' brother), in Whiterun
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Filnjar - Nord, found in his house, in Shor's Stone.
Gat gro-Shargakh - Orc, found in Pavo's House, in Kolskeggr Mine.
Ghorbash the Iron Hand - Orc, found in Burguk's Longhouse, in Dushnikh Yal.
Marcurio - Imperial, found in Riften.
Requirement: Hire him.
Moth gro-Bagol - Orc, found in Understone Keep, in Markarth.
Octieve San - Breton, found in Solitude.
Omluag - Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
Onmund - Nord, found in The Hall of Attainment, in the College of Winterhold.
Pavo Attius - Imperial, found in his house, in Kolskeggr Mine.
Perth - Breton, found in the Miner's House, in Soljund's Sinkhole.
Quintus Navale - Imperial, found in White Phial Services, in Windhelm.
Revyn Sadri - Dark Elf, found in Sadri's Used Wares, in Windhelm.
Roggi Knot-Beard - Nord, found in Steamscorch Mine, in Kyne's Grove.
Romlyn Dreth - Dark Elf, found in his house, in Riften.
Scouts-Many-Marshes - Argonian, found in the Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm.
Sondas Drenim - Dark Elf, found in Goldenrock Mine, in Darkwater Crossing.
Sorex Vinius - Imperial, found in Solitude.
Stenvar - Nord, found in Windhelm.
Requirement: Hire him.
Torvar - Nord, found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Vilkas - Nord, also found in the Companion's Faction House (Farkas' brother), in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Vorstag - Nord, found in Markarth.
Wilhelm - Nord, found in Ivarstead.

Il matrimonio ha i seguenti bonus:

- La consorte aprirà un negozio tutto suo a casa vostra (se la possedete) potrete comprare e vendere come se fosse un negoziante, e vi frutterà ben 100 di oro al giorno

- Cibo fatto in casa, un tipo di cibo (ottenibile 1 volta al giorno) che ripristina parte di Stamina, Vita e Magika

- Se si dorme con la propria consorte (indipendentemente dal sesso) si otterà un bonus molto utile, nelle prossime 8 ore avrete un aumento del 15% sulla velocità di apprendimento delle abilità rendendo facile aumentarle

Murder Ink
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 17:29

mi sa che farò un matrimonio omosessuale con ysolda :asd:
~ E ƒ ƒ e
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 18:05

Frocio del cazzo, io mi sono sposato Aela lol
Sesso selvaggio tra lupi mannari :asd:
Murder Ink
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 18:36

mi sa che non hai capito che sono una ragazza nel gioco e ysolda pure :asd:
~ E ƒ ƒ e
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 18:53

Sei una donna? D: Sei comunque gay :asd:
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 19:14

CITAZIONE (~ E ƒ ƒ e @ 21/11/2011, 18:05) 
io mi sono sposato Aela lol
Sesso selvaggio tra lupi mannari :asd:

Murder Ink
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 19:38

ma si può trombare? :guruboh:
~ E ƒ ƒ e
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 19:41

Seeeeeeeeee sogna :lool:
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 19:47

Certo, se la tipa dorme e ti trasformi in lupo mannaro viene fuori l'opzione:

Stupra violentemente (guro)

E se lei è un lupo mannaro rimarrà viva!

parlando di guro mi è venuto in mente un manga che lessi e mi traumatizzò anni fa, una tipa veniva picchiata cosi tanto che gli usciva l'intestino dalla passera porcodio che schifo ahahah
Murder Ink
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 20:19

:asd: povero ingenuo che prendeva hentai brutal/bdsm da chissàchi :luol:
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 20:21

CITAZIONE (Murder Ink @ 21/11/2011, 20:19) 
:asd: povero ingenuo che prendeva hentai brutal/bdsm da chissàchi :luol:

non sai quanto ci rimasi male ahahah
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 20:50

mi avete convinto mi sposo, siete tutti invitati e.e
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 20:59

CITAZIONE (peppeee @ 21/11/2011, 20:50) 
mi avete convinto mi sposo, siete tutti invitati e.e

Con un orco vero?
view post Posted on 21/11/2011, 21:02

CITAZIONE (SuppahRasoio @ 21/11/2011, 20:59) 
CITAZIONE (peppeee @ 21/11/2011, 20:50) 
mi avete convinto mi sposo, siete tutti invitati e.e

Con un orco vero?

no, pensavo di chiederlo alla tizia single con la figlia :hu:
view post Posted on 7/12/2011, 20:33

CITAZIONE (SuppahRasoio @ 20/11/2011, 20:56) 

Aela the Huntress - Nord, found in the Companion’s Faction House in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Aeri - Nord, found inside her house at Anga's Mill in the Pale.
Anwen - Redguard, found in Markarth Temple.
Avrusa Sarethi - Dark Elf, found in the Sarethi farm in the Rift.
Borghak the Steel Heart - Orc, found in Mor Khazgur.
Requirement: Pay her dowry or convince her to leave her home.
Brelyna Maryon - Dark Elf, found in the College of Winterhold.
Camilla Valerius - Imperial, found in Riverwood.
Requirement: Completion of The Golden Claw.
Carlotta Valentia - Imperial, found in Whiterun.
Dravynea the Stoneweaver - Dark Elf, found at Kyne’s Grove in Eastmarch.
Ghorza gra-Bagol - Orc, found in Markarth.
Gilfre - Imperial, found in the Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch.
Grelka - Nord, found in Riften at her merchant stand.
Igrod the Younger - Nord, found in Morthal
Iona - Nord, found in Riften, in Honeyside.
Jenassa - Dark Elf, found in the Drunken Huntsman, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Hire her.
Jordis the Sword-Maiden - Nord, found in Proudspire Manor, in Solitude
Lydia - Nord, found in Dragonsreach, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of the main quest Dragon Rising and becoming Thane of Whiterun.
Mjoll the Lioness - Nord, found in her house, in Riften.
Requirement: Retrieve her sword, Grimsever, from the dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft.
Muiri - Breton, found in The Hag’s Cure, in Markarth.
Requirement: Completion of Mourning Never Comes
Njada Stone-Arm - Nord, found in the Companion’s Faction House, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Orla - Nord, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Ria - Imperial, found in the Companion’s Faction House, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Completion of The Companion's story arc with Glory of the Dead.
Senna - Imperial, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
Shahvee - Argonian, found outside Windhelm.
Sylgja - Nord, found at Shor’s Stone in The Rift.
Requirement: Deliver her satchel to her father in Darkwater Crossing, then return his satchel to her.
Taarie - High Elf, found in Solitude.
Temba Wide-Arm - Nord, found at Ivarstead in The Rift.
Uthgerd the Unbroken - Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun.
Requirement: Best her in a brawl battle.
Viola Giordano - Imperial, found in Windhelm, in Eastmarch.
Ysolda - Nord, found in Whiterun.
Requirement: Give her a Mammoth Tusk.

Che voi sappiate qualcuna di queste mignotte è una principessa o simile??!?!
15 replies since 20/11/2011, 20:56   3278 views